Know Your History Mobile Symbian Operating System
This time I will discuss about mobile operating system called Symbian. Well, this is the Symbian operating system on a smart phone made by Nokia and the operating system is open only to the developers. That is, an operating system like Linux is not a 100% open source (code-spread operating system code for free for everyone). The fair, it seems none of the current mobile phone companies to freely willing to provide source code to the general public. I also gained curious about this history than Symbian. So, for those who are also curious can come read this thread Quote: Symbian is an operating system and platform software designed for smart phones and is currently overseen by Nokia. Symbian platform is a successor rather than the Symbian OS and Nokia Series 60 that previously had been circulating in the market; Unlike Symbian OS, which requires some user interface system, the Symbian user interface includes a component based on the S60 5th Edition. The latest version of Symbian ^ 3 has been officially released in the 4th quarter of 2010 and was first used on the Nokia N8. Quote: Spoiler for Nokia N8:

Symbian OS was originally developed by Symbian Ltd. .. It is a descendant of Psion and EPOC than running exclusively on ARM processors, although there have been x86 ports that have not been officially released to the public. Symbian-based devices includes the 29.2% world market share of smart phones in the first quarter of 2011. Some estimates indicate that the cumulative number of mobile phones bundled with the Symbian OS is up to the end of the second quarter of 2010 and amounted to 385 million. Until 5 April 2011, Nokia released the Symbian under the new license and converted into a shared ownership model of the source, the opposite of open source code project or open source. Quote: HISTORY
In 1980, standing firm Psion software developer that was founded by David Potter. Items from the company was named EPOC. This operating system is more focused on its use in mobile phones. In 1998, there was a joint venture between Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola and Psion to explore further kekonvergensian between PDAs and mobile phones which are named Symbian. In 2004, Psion sold its shares and the results of this collaboration resulted EPOC Release 5, which became known as Symbian OS v5. Operating system from Symbian OS v5 it has begun to integrate the needs of the implementation of applications on devices such as PDAs in addition to mobile phones.
Then came the so-called smartphones and after them came the latest versions of Symbian OS to something called the Symbian v6.0 or better known by the name ER6 which is the first version of Symbian OS. Its open because in this system can be installed by a variety of software application developers. In early 2005, appears Symbian OS v9.1 with a new platform security system which is known as a capability-based security. The security system is set up privileges for the application to be installed on the equipment in terms of accessing the API.
Appears also called the Symbian OS v9.2 which do-date on Bluetooth connectivity technology with the use of Bluetooth v.2.0. While the most recent, issued Symbian Symbian OS v9.3 (released on July 12, 2006) has been carrying the 802.11 wifi and HSDPA technology as part of standard components.
Roots Of Symbian and the Symbian Foundation is reported to the final stretch of mobile computing, when the mind is united around the idea of Smart to find the best way to mobilize the computing-to help people do things better, more quickly, now.
From the earliest days, the idea that a Symbian is all about collaboration began with the early-1980s David Potter game design and office productivity software for personal computers Sinclair, a partnership that launched the "Psion" name. From the days of the end, The idea is Symbian * All About collaboration-started the New Articles years late 1980's a David Potter design productivity software and games equipment for Personal Computers Sinclair, a partnership Yang launched the "Psion" name. These programs help give birth in 1984 to the Managing Psion, the first handheld computer in the world-and one that quickly would support a simple database-to-use programming language, OPL. These programs help give birth years 1984 to the executive ON Psion, Computer World's First Mobile-and one that will support a database Quick Simple-to-use programming language, OPL.
Collaborative support from industry for the growing power base led to the formation of historic Psion Software in 1998 from Symbian, a joint venture between Psion and phone manufacturers Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia. Support from industry collaboration for the basic Strength Grows Psion software causes the formation of historic years IN 1998 From Symbian, a joint venture BETWEEN deferred tax child Manufacturers and Telephone Psion Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia. Over the next few years to help bring an explosion of innovation Symbian-mobile devices with Symbian software on the basis of more than 100 million phones in 2006. Over the next few years to help bring boom Innovation Symbian-Symbian mobile device software Popular Articles in placed over 100 million mobile phones from AT 2006 years.
In 2008, the next step of the evolution of Symbian underway, with the Nokia purchase of all assets Symbian and started down the path to open source software. THE year 2008, the next step of evolution lasts Symbian, Nokia New articles Asset Purchase Symbian and all along the path Start to open source software. As Symbian Foundation and all members look to the future and the future billions of mobile devices are interconnected, it will be an innovative collaboration-working together-that will help make people more productive, more creative and more amused than ever. As Symbian Foundation, all members and Looking to the Future and the next billions of interconnected mobile devices, it shall innovative collaboration-working together-that will help make people more productive, more creative and more From the previous entertained. continued downward gan wachidR is offline Add to wachidR's Reputation Report Post Report Post Multi-Quote This Message QUOTE KaskusAd - Create an Army / Create Ad Chief Old 29-05-2011, 08:33 PM # 2 wachidR kaskus addict
UserID: 2538894 Join Date: January 2011 Location: make a thread active again:) Posts: 3.097 wachidR is a jewel in the roughwachidR is a jewel in the roughwachidR is a jewel in the roughwachidR is a jewel in the rough

* 1980: Psion, founded by David Potter 1980: The Psion was founded Created David Potter * 1984: Agenda Psion launched 1984: Agenda launched Psion * 1986: a "much better" Psion Organiser II launched, with a simple database programming language used, the OPL. 1986: a "much better" Psion Organiser II launches, equipment database programming language Simple New articles, OPL. * 1987: Psion began development of "Sibo" ("Sixteen Bit Organiser") a new family of devices and multitasking operating system called EPOC to run its PDA products. 1987: Psion began development of "Sibo" ("Sixteen Bit Organiser") of Family and multitasking system devices have children other deferred tax assets New Products The so-called EPOC to run his PDA. * 1989: First EPOC16 devices, MC400 and MC200, ships with less, especially 1 -, graphical interface-operated keyboard. 1989: First EPOC16 devices, MC200 and MC400, particularly the New Media 1-bit vessel, operated the keyboard graphic interface. * 1997: The first version of EPOC32 Release 1 appeared on the Psion Series 5 v1.0 CD. 1997: First Version 1 Release From EPOC32 ROM appears in the Psion Series 5 v1.0. EPOC32 operating system, at the time only referred to as EPOC, later renamed Symbian OS. EPOC32 Operating System, AT THAT Currently only referred to as EPOC, Symbian OS and then changed its name. EPOC32 is a user's system pre-emptive multitasking, single operating with memory protection, which encourages developers to separate their programs into the machine and interfaces. EPOC32 is a pre-emptive multitasking single-user systems other assets, the protection of New Articles Memory, the program encourages developers to separate their application to Kesawan interface and engine. * 1998: In June Psion Software became Symbian, a joint venture between Psion and mobile phone manufacturers Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia. 1998: ON June Psion Software became Symbian, a joint venture of ABC Child Psion and mobile phone maker Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia. In Release 6, EPOC become simply known as Symbian OS. IN Release 6, EPOC Just became known as Symbian OS. * 1999: The Psion Series 5mx, Psion Series 7, Psion Revo, Diamond Mako, Psion netBook, netPad, GeoFox One, and MC218 Ericsson released using ER5. 1999: The Psion Series 5mx, Psion Series 7, Psion Revo, Diamond Mako, Psion netBook, netPad, GeoFox One, and freed using the Ericsson MC218 ER5. A phone project was announced at CeBIT, which Illium Phillips / Accent, but did not achieve commercial release. A Phone Project was announced at CeBIT, the Illium Phillips / Accent, but did not reach the regular commercial release. * 2000: The first mobile phone, Ericsson R380 was released using ER5u in November. 2000: First mobile phone, Ericsson R380 was released using ER5u ON November. * 2001: The first 'open' Symbian OS phone, the Nokia 9210 Communicator, was released in June 2001. 2001: 'Open' The First mobile phone with Symbian OS, the Nokia 9210 Communicator, was released in June 2001 IN. Bluetooth support was added. Bluetooth support was added. Nearly 500,000 Symbian phones shipped in 2001, rose to 2.1 million the following year. Nearly 500,000 Symbian phones shipped ON The years 2001, rose to 2.1 million AT next years. * 2003: The first shipments of Symbian OS 7.0, and 7.0 is important Symbian release which appeared with all contemporary user interfaces including UIQ (Sony Ericsson P800, P900, P910, Motorola A925, A1000), Series 80 (Nokia 9300, 9500), Series 1990 (Nokia 7710), Series 60 (Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6670, 7610) as well as several FOMA phones in Japan. 2003: First shipments of Symbian OS 7.0, 7.0 and release parts What appears New Media * All contemporary user interfaces including UIQ (Sony Ericsson P800, P900, P910, Motorola A925, A1000), Series 80 (Nokia 9300, 9500), Series 1990 Symbian (Nokia 7710), Series 60 (Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6670, 7610) As well as several FOMA Phone in Japan. It also added support for EDGE and IPv6. Husband p. Also added EDGE support and IPv6. One million Symbian phones that shipped in Q1 2003, with rates increasing to one million a month in late 2003. One million Symbian phones shipped in Q1 Yang, 2003, New Articles tariff increase to one million a month AT Additions years 2003. * 2004: Psion sold its stake in Symbian. 2004: Psion sold its stake in Symbian. * 2006: 100 million mobile phones with the Symbian OS shipped. 2006: 100 million Symbian OS phones New articles posted. * 2008: Symbian was acquired by Nokia, Symbian Foundation formed. 2008: Created Nokia acquired Symbian, Symbian Foundation formed.

This time I will discuss about mobile operating system called Symbian. Well, this is the Symbian operating system on a smart phone made by Nokia and the operating system is open only to the developers. That is, an operating system like Linux is not a 100% open source (code-spread operating system code for free for everyone). The fair, it seems none of the current mobile phone companies to freely willing to provide source code to the general public. I also gained curious about this history than Symbian. So, for those who are also curious can come read this thread Quote: Symbian is an operating system and platform software designed for smart phones and is currently overseen by Nokia. Symbian platform is a successor rather than the Symbian OS and Nokia Series 60 that previously had been circulating in the market; Unlike Symbian OS, which requires some user interface system, the Symbian user interface includes a component based on the S60 5th Edition. The latest version of Symbian ^ 3 has been officially released in the 4th quarter of 2010 and was first used on the Nokia N8. Quote: Spoiler for Nokia N8:

Symbian OS was originally developed by Symbian Ltd. .. It is a descendant of Psion and EPOC than running exclusively on ARM processors, although there have been x86 ports that have not been officially released to the public. Symbian-based devices includes the 29.2% world market share of smart phones in the first quarter of 2011. Some estimates indicate that the cumulative number of mobile phones bundled with the Symbian OS is up to the end of the second quarter of 2010 and amounted to 385 million. Until 5 April 2011, Nokia released the Symbian under the new license and converted into a shared ownership model of the source, the opposite of open source code project or open source. Quote: HISTORY
In 1980, standing firm Psion software developer that was founded by David Potter. Items from the company was named EPOC. This operating system is more focused on its use in mobile phones. In 1998, there was a joint venture between Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola and Psion to explore further kekonvergensian between PDAs and mobile phones which are named Symbian. In 2004, Psion sold its shares and the results of this collaboration resulted EPOC Release 5, which became known as Symbian OS v5. Operating system from Symbian OS v5 it has begun to integrate the needs of the implementation of applications on devices such as PDAs in addition to mobile phones.
Then came the so-called smartphones and after them came the latest versions of Symbian OS to something called the Symbian v6.0 or better known by the name ER6 which is the first version of Symbian OS. Its open because in this system can be installed by a variety of software application developers. In early 2005, appears Symbian OS v9.1 with a new platform security system which is known as a capability-based security. The security system is set up privileges for the application to be installed on the equipment in terms of accessing the API.
Appears also called the Symbian OS v9.2 which do-date on Bluetooth connectivity technology with the use of Bluetooth v.2.0. While the most recent, issued Symbian Symbian OS v9.3 (released on July 12, 2006) has been carrying the 802.11 wifi and HSDPA technology as part of standard components.
Roots Of Symbian and the Symbian Foundation is reported to the final stretch of mobile computing, when the mind is united around the idea of Smart to find the best way to mobilize the computing-to help people do things better, more quickly, now.
From the earliest days, the idea that a Symbian is all about collaboration began with the early-1980s David Potter game design and office productivity software for personal computers Sinclair, a partnership that launched the "Psion" name. From the days of the end, The idea is Symbian * All About collaboration-started the New Articles years late 1980's a David Potter design productivity software and games equipment for Personal Computers Sinclair, a partnership Yang launched the "Psion" name. These programs help give birth in 1984 to the Managing Psion, the first handheld computer in the world-and one that quickly would support a simple database-to-use programming language, OPL. These programs help give birth years 1984 to the executive ON Psion, Computer World's First Mobile-and one that will support a database Quick Simple-to-use programming language, OPL.
Collaborative support from industry for the growing power base led to the formation of historic Psion Software in 1998 from Symbian, a joint venture between Psion and phone manufacturers Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia. Support from industry collaboration for the basic Strength Grows Psion software causes the formation of historic years IN 1998 From Symbian, a joint venture BETWEEN deferred tax child Manufacturers and Telephone Psion Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia. Over the next few years to help bring an explosion of innovation Symbian-mobile devices with Symbian software on the basis of more than 100 million phones in 2006. Over the next few years to help bring boom Innovation Symbian-Symbian mobile device software Popular Articles in placed over 100 million mobile phones from AT 2006 years.
In 2008, the next step of the evolution of Symbian underway, with the Nokia purchase of all assets Symbian and started down the path to open source software. THE year 2008, the next step of evolution lasts Symbian, Nokia New articles Asset Purchase Symbian and all along the path Start to open source software. As Symbian Foundation and all members look to the future and the future billions of mobile devices are interconnected, it will be an innovative collaboration-working together-that will help make people more productive, more creative and more amused than ever. As Symbian Foundation, all members and Looking to the Future and the next billions of interconnected mobile devices, it shall innovative collaboration-working together-that will help make people more productive, more creative and more From the previous entertained. continued downward gan wachidR is offline Add to wachidR's Reputation Report Post Report Post Multi-Quote This Message QUOTE KaskusAd - Create an Army / Create Ad Chief Old 29-05-2011, 08:33 PM # 2 wachidR kaskus addict
UserID: 2538894 Join Date: January 2011 Location: make a thread active again:) Posts: 3.097 wachidR is a jewel in the roughwachidR is a jewel in the roughwachidR is a jewel in the roughwachidR is a jewel in the rough

* 1980: Psion, founded by David Potter 1980: The Psion was founded Created David Potter * 1984: Agenda Psion launched 1984: Agenda launched Psion * 1986: a "much better" Psion Organiser II launched, with a simple database programming language used, the OPL. 1986: a "much better" Psion Organiser II launches, equipment database programming language Simple New articles, OPL. * 1987: Psion began development of "Sibo" ("Sixteen Bit Organiser") a new family of devices and multitasking operating system called EPOC to run its PDA products. 1987: Psion began development of "Sibo" ("Sixteen Bit Organiser") of Family and multitasking system devices have children other deferred tax assets New Products The so-called EPOC to run his PDA. * 1989: First EPOC16 devices, MC400 and MC200, ships with less, especially 1 -, graphical interface-operated keyboard. 1989: First EPOC16 devices, MC200 and MC400, particularly the New Media 1-bit vessel, operated the keyboard graphic interface. * 1997: The first version of EPOC32 Release 1 appeared on the Psion Series 5 v1.0 CD. 1997: First Version 1 Release From EPOC32 ROM appears in the Psion Series 5 v1.0. EPOC32 operating system, at the time only referred to as EPOC, later renamed Symbian OS. EPOC32 Operating System, AT THAT Currently only referred to as EPOC, Symbian OS and then changed its name. EPOC32 is a user's system pre-emptive multitasking, single operating with memory protection, which encourages developers to separate their programs into the machine and interfaces. EPOC32 is a pre-emptive multitasking single-user systems other assets, the protection of New Articles Memory, the program encourages developers to separate their application to Kesawan interface and engine. * 1998: In June Psion Software became Symbian, a joint venture between Psion and mobile phone manufacturers Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia. 1998: ON June Psion Software became Symbian, a joint venture of ABC Child Psion and mobile phone maker Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia. In Release 6, EPOC become simply known as Symbian OS. IN Release 6, EPOC Just became known as Symbian OS. * 1999: The Psion Series 5mx, Psion Series 7, Psion Revo, Diamond Mako, Psion netBook, netPad, GeoFox One, and MC218 Ericsson released using ER5. 1999: The Psion Series 5mx, Psion Series 7, Psion Revo, Diamond Mako, Psion netBook, netPad, GeoFox One, and freed using the Ericsson MC218 ER5. A phone project was announced at CeBIT, which Illium Phillips / Accent, but did not achieve commercial release. A Phone Project was announced at CeBIT, the Illium Phillips / Accent, but did not reach the regular commercial release. * 2000: The first mobile phone, Ericsson R380 was released using ER5u in November. 2000: First mobile phone, Ericsson R380 was released using ER5u ON November. * 2001: The first 'open' Symbian OS phone, the Nokia 9210 Communicator, was released in June 2001. 2001: 'Open' The First mobile phone with Symbian OS, the Nokia 9210 Communicator, was released in June 2001 IN. Bluetooth support was added. Bluetooth support was added. Nearly 500,000 Symbian phones shipped in 2001, rose to 2.1 million the following year. Nearly 500,000 Symbian phones shipped ON The years 2001, rose to 2.1 million AT next years. * 2003: The first shipments of Symbian OS 7.0, and 7.0 is important Symbian release which appeared with all contemporary user interfaces including UIQ (Sony Ericsson P800, P900, P910, Motorola A925, A1000), Series 80 (Nokia 9300, 9500), Series 1990 (Nokia 7710), Series 60 (Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6670, 7610) as well as several FOMA phones in Japan. 2003: First shipments of Symbian OS 7.0, 7.0 and release parts What appears New Media * All contemporary user interfaces including UIQ (Sony Ericsson P800, P900, P910, Motorola A925, A1000), Series 80 (Nokia 9300, 9500), Series 1990 Symbian (Nokia 7710), Series 60 (Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6670, 7610) As well as several FOMA Phone in Japan. It also added support for EDGE and IPv6. Husband p. Also added EDGE support and IPv6. One million Symbian phones that shipped in Q1 2003, with rates increasing to one million a month in late 2003. One million Symbian phones shipped in Q1 Yang, 2003, New Articles tariff increase to one million a month AT Additions years 2003. * 2004: Psion sold its stake in Symbian. 2004: Psion sold its stake in Symbian. * 2006: 100 million mobile phones with the Symbian OS shipped. 2006: 100 million Symbian OS phones New articles posted. * 2008: Symbian was acquired by Nokia, Symbian Foundation formed. 2008: Created Nokia acquired Symbian, Symbian Foundation formed.
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