Indonesian Fish That Many In Search By Japan

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Anguilliformes
Maybe you will feel disgusted to see it. That is what ordinary people experience when looking at fish eel Anguilla alias. A flat elongated body briefly looked like an eel. But, if further examined, the head turned out differently. The shape is more like a catfish that had two antennae. Horror, at the age of one year, its no different from the snake. Its length can reach 2-3 meters. In Indonesia, this fish is known by various names according to the local language. Betawi people called Moa, people call it Sogili Sulawesi, Sundanese people call it The hole, while there is also a call Massapi. In the Indonesian language is called fish eel fish.
Eel fishing has many advantages. That said, the texture of soft flesh to cure various diseases, especially skin diseases. In Japan and Europe, eel favored because it has a protein content, especially vitamin A. The content of vitamin A eel 45 times as much vitamin A content of cow's milk. The content of vitamin B1 eel equivalent to 25 times more vitamin B1 content of cow's milk. The content of vitamin B2 eel equal to 5 times the vitamin B2 content of cow's milk. Compared with salmon, eel contains DHA (Decosahexaenoic acid, a substance required for growth of the child) as much as 1337 mg/100 g of salmon while only 748 mg/100 grams. Eel contains EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) equal to 742 mg/100 g while the salmon is only 492 mg/100 grams. There are many other magical substances contained in the eel's body.
Not surprisingly, in Europe, America, Taiwan, and Japan, eel fish consumption is high.
Look at the eel fish market now. The world demand for eel is currently around 300,000 tons. And, specifically in Japan, demand reached 120,000 tons per year. Indeed, The Rising Sun also breed this type of fish. Only, now 75% of which must be imported because of the seeds in Japanese waters has declined. Amazingly, from 18 species of eel in the world, seven of which exist in Indonesia. In fact, allegedly, eel-like fish ancestors originated from Sulawesi waters.
Spoiler for fish eel in if:
Eating fish or known by Unagi eel, is not ordinary food, but including the most expensive in Japan resetoran so that when we were treated to the food dish, showing us as an honored guest. Unagi is a treat food for meetings pembisnis big and famous or prominent figures. Therefore involved in the business of eel there is a large multi-national companies such as Mitsui, Marubeni, Ssasakawa and others and the company was only willing to cooperate if we are able to supply over 5,000 tons per year contract.
Indonesia so far has not been able to do, although there are 3 specific areas in our waters as a place to fish eel egg development of Poso, West Sorong and Pelabuhan Ratu.
Fish meal is to be among the elite in Japan is now more attractive business people in Indonesia. Especially with the opening of eel export market to countries of East Asia (Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan). Now, the eel is very high demand both in domestic and international markets. Unfortunately, a very high demand not matched by availability of supply. Some large supermarket in Jakarta each requires 3 tons of fresh eel that met monthly while only 10 percent, even this supply is not continuous. This is not counting the needs of restaurants and companies processing of fishery products.
In Indonesia, the existence of this fish is heavily socialized by flexcoders by organizing various activities such as training, seminars, and workshops in cooperation with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Directorate General of Aquaculture Pond Pandu Falkirk.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Anguilliformes
Maybe you will feel disgusted to see it. That is what ordinary people experience when looking at fish eel Anguilla alias. A flat elongated body briefly looked like an eel. But, if further examined, the head turned out differently. The shape is more like a catfish that had two antennae. Horror, at the age of one year, its no different from the snake. Its length can reach 2-3 meters. In Indonesia, this fish is known by various names according to the local language. Betawi people called Moa, people call it Sogili Sulawesi, Sundanese people call it The hole, while there is also a call Massapi. In the Indonesian language is called fish eel fish.
Eel fishing has many advantages. That said, the texture of soft flesh to cure various diseases, especially skin diseases. In Japan and Europe, eel favored because it has a protein content, especially vitamin A. The content of vitamin A eel 45 times as much vitamin A content of cow's milk. The content of vitamin B1 eel equivalent to 25 times more vitamin B1 content of cow's milk. The content of vitamin B2 eel equal to 5 times the vitamin B2 content of cow's milk. Compared with salmon, eel contains DHA (Decosahexaenoic acid, a substance required for growth of the child) as much as 1337 mg/100 g of salmon while only 748 mg/100 grams. Eel contains EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) equal to 742 mg/100 g while the salmon is only 492 mg/100 grams. There are many other magical substances contained in the eel's body.
Not surprisingly, in Europe, America, Taiwan, and Japan, eel fish consumption is high.
Look at the eel fish market now. The world demand for eel is currently around 300,000 tons. And, specifically in Japan, demand reached 120,000 tons per year. Indeed, The Rising Sun also breed this type of fish. Only, now 75% of which must be imported because of the seeds in Japanese waters has declined. Amazingly, from 18 species of eel in the world, seven of which exist in Indonesia. In fact, allegedly, eel-like fish ancestors originated from Sulawesi waters.
Spoiler for fish eel in if:
Eating fish or known by Unagi eel, is not ordinary food, but including the most expensive in Japan resetoran so that when we were treated to the food dish, showing us as an honored guest. Unagi is a treat food for meetings pembisnis big and famous or prominent figures. Therefore involved in the business of eel there is a large multi-national companies such as Mitsui, Marubeni, Ssasakawa and others and the company was only willing to cooperate if we are able to supply over 5,000 tons per year contract.
Indonesia so far has not been able to do, although there are 3 specific areas in our waters as a place to fish eel egg development of Poso, West Sorong and Pelabuhan Ratu.
Fish meal is to be among the elite in Japan is now more attractive business people in Indonesia. Especially with the opening of eel export market to countries of East Asia (Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan). Now, the eel is very high demand both in domestic and international markets. Unfortunately, a very high demand not matched by availability of supply. Some large supermarket in Jakarta each requires 3 tons of fresh eel that met monthly while only 10 percent, even this supply is not continuous. This is not counting the needs of restaurants and companies processing of fishery products.
In Indonesia, the existence of this fish is heavily socialized by flexcoders by organizing various activities such as training, seminars, and workshops in cooperation with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Directorate General of Aquaculture Pond Pandu Falkirk.
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