There are many different tips 12 ways attract the attention of women, but whether agan note, everywhere once agan read the tips that you may feel mild to say to myself "this is my house can also"
Well, comrades, to attract the attention of women are not that easy. Agan should be able to understand them. What we actually thought was a small thing turns out great for them and vice versa. We do not have to be rich, smart, handsome, tall, well-known and so to get our target, what matters is a combination of several elements that all men can do.
Without the strings attached to our direct cekidot:
12 How to Attract Women Without Attention-Basa Basi
1.Bila you're gathered together a group of men, it is very important to run ROLE OF LEADER. You must be the decision maker and you have to be followed by other men. This turned out very sexy in her eyes even though you'd never know though.
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2.Walau appearance was not an important thing for most men, you still have to give YOUR BEST APPEARANCE. This means that your face should be clean, your body fit and healthy and wearing a neat and appropriate clothing with you. The key word is: RAPI CLEAN and HEALTHY WANGI
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But if you are still not confident, do not worry, I also opened a stall selling everything in order for you to be similar to the A'A James:
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[IMG] [/ IMG]
3. You have to represent the "ALPHA" body language, ie walk with the body upright, chin raised, and Display appearance "You know what you should do" to these ladies singles. (Throw away the impression that awkward, man!)
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4.Wanita attracted to men who understand them. You must understand the purpose and wants them. Therefore you should pay attention to every phrase, gestures and signals that they throw to you.
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5. Berikaplah EXPRESSLY against women in matters of sex. Women like men who pursue her will. So, if you want to kiss the woman in front of you .... do it! Do not ever ask for permission beforehand whenever you want to kiss a woman. Women are very attracted to guys who play a part in love affairs.
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6. Do not be scared and shocked when it comes in contact with the woman's body. Human body was created by God is very interested in each other.
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7. Tug. Women love a man chasing loh. So although you are VERY INTERESTED to your target female, show little ...... then at the right show your indifference. ALWAYS CONFUSED ABOUT WOMEN LET HER your interest!
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8.SOMBONG but funny. Women love a confident man but fun. You may be manly, cool, cool, quiet, arrogant, but at one moment you could suddenly become a person who gokil well.
TIPS: if you want ngelawak, lemparkkanlah jokes2 then ended with a laugh intelligent confidence. Do you suddenly laugh wildly hoping someone come laugh at your jokes are crisp.
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9.Jangan hide IDENTITY YOURSELF! Do not be afraid to tell him what you like.

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10.Cobalah topik2 following in a conversation:
b. Childhood had
c. Food
d. Future plans
f. Hobbies each
g.Informasi what about the woman
h.Mengamati behavior of people around
i.Kebudayaan today
j.Gosip (not that cheap)
Personal k.Pengalaman interesting and bizarre
l. Lessons from experience
11.Pujian best is something unique from the personality of the woman. The woman was tired praised her beauty.
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12.WAHAHAHAHHA this ... ya that NEED COURAGE:
TACTICS NEGS. Is it NEGS Tactics? NEGS tactics are tactics that make the situation as if we really are not attracted to the coveted women we meyindir subtle manner. These tactics include controversial, but this game will be trapped WOMEN although satirical. The effect is not a woman will feel on top of us again. Usually successful for women who REALLY INTERESTING.
For example;

He: I model you ...
You: Model what ya? beauty model so hands?
You: You were like flashing you know ... * Blink * blink *
You: Well, you're really good clothes, yes, there is a use like that not too long before I see
You: You're really cute nose .... yes your movements when you're talking XD
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