Tuesday, June 14, 2011

[HOT] 10 Wonderful Galaxy in Space

[HOT] 10 Wonderful Galaxy in Space

1. Sombrero galaxy

Sombrero Galaxy (also known as M104 or NGC 4594) is a spiral-shaped galaxy in which the outer circle look wider and is located in the Virgo star arrangement.
Sombrero has a nucleus (center) are bright, and a large central black holes, and dust particles that attract attention on its surface slope.
Dark-colored dust and a large hole makes this galaxy in the call like "sombrero" (having a wide edge).
The amount of magnitude on Sombrero (about +9.0), making it easily visible even with ordinary telescopes though. With a large hole and the path that is dust, making the galaxy is the main attraction for the professional astronomer. Quote: Spoiler for 2: Quote: 2 Black Eye Galaxy

A spiral galaxy that lies in the composition of Coma Berenices star, Messier 64, a galaxy known as the "Black Eye" or "Sleeping Beauty Galaxy".
Black Eye Galaxy has a stunning black ties in absorbing dust in front of the point (nucleus) is. Galaxy is also well known among amateur astronomers because of its shape can easily be seen using even a small telescope. Quote: Spoiler for 3: Quote: 3 2MASX J00482185-2507365 occulting pair

The 2MASX J00482185-2507365 occulting pairs (couples who have hidden) is a pair of clashing galaxies are found in the vicinity of NGC 253, or the Sculptor Galaxy.
Both galaxies are situated some distance dr NGC 253, with a background galaxy, 2MASX J00482185-2507365, which fell at redshift z = 0:06, while looking ahead lies between NGC 253 and background (0.0008 <z <0:06).
This galaxy pair illuminate galactic dust distribution channels beyond the reach of a spiral galaxy. Therefore, the dust that exceed the limits of astrology reveal new areas that become astronomers study materials.
Reach the dust to 6 times the radius beyond which stars in the galaxy-shaped silhouette of the HST image opposite the central core and the background of the galaxy. Quote: Spoiler for 4: Quote: 4 The Whirlpool Galaxy

The Whirlpool Galaxy is also known as Messier 51a, M51a, or NGC 5194, the Whirlpool Galaxy is a grand-design spiral galaxy that affect each other, which is away about 23 million light-years in the composition of stars Canes Venatici.
This is one of the famous spiral galaxy in the sky. The Whirlpool Galaxy and his companion (NGC 5195) is very easy at carefully by the astronomer beginners, because the two galaxies may be visible with ordinary binoculars Quote: Spoiler for 5: Quote: 5 Grand Spiral Galaxy

Grand Spiral Galaxy is dominated by millions of bright stars and dark dust, which can be seen in the velocity of gravity that surrounds the area around its midpoint.
Rintikan group of bright blue stars can be seen throughout the range of this spiral, while the dark colored lines of interstellar dust can be seen spring between them.
Many of the unseen elements that we do not know - through the elements to be able to explain kegelapanlah movements that can be seen on the outside of this galaxy.

Quote: Spoiler for 6: Quote: 6 Supernova 1987A

20 years ago, astronomers discovered one of the brightest stars floating around 400 years old, a shooting star called Supernova 1987A.
This picture shows the whole region around the supernova. The most interesting part of this picture is the existence of a ring with dozens of bright spots.
This happens because of a shock wave that is released from these stars and hit throughout the region on the inside of his ring, this friction causes heat up causing them to glow.
1-year-old ring-light is probably a fraction of old stars 20,000 years ago before it exploded. In a few years to come, the whole ring will continue to shine because of friction with kekuatanyang very large.
Ring that shines, it will become a source of light for the star-other beintang around him, until astromer can provide new information about how stars out material at the time of the explosion.
Picture was taken in December 2006, using the "Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys". (Credit: NASA, ESA, and R. Kirshner, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)

Spoiler for 7: Quote: 7 Galaxy NGC 1512

A spiral galaxy is transverse and lies about 30 million light-years away towards the composition lies Horologium stars, the Galaxy NGC 1512 is bright enough to to the grave through amateur telescopes.
Galaxy center is known as "circumnuclear starburst ring", that is a wonderful circle that spins about 2400 light-years.
Galaxy "starbursts" is a new prefix for the formation of new stars who can d find on a variety of galaxy environments. Quote: Spoiler for 8: Quote: 8 Galaxy NGC 3370

A dusty galaxy is located about 98 million light-years away that led to the composition of the stars of Leo, the center of NGC 3370 shows a painting is like a dust lane and a nucleus that looks unusual.
Views of NGC 3370 obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope using the Advanced Camera for Surveys "with remarkable acuity of vision to identify changes in each individual Cepheid stars in the galaxy. (Credit: NASA, The Hubble Heritage Team and A. Riess, STScI) Quote: Spoiler for 9: Quote: 9 M81

Spiral galaxy M81 is large and beautiful, north of the composition of the star Ursa Major is one of the brightest galaxies that can be seen from the sky the planet Earth.
The view in detail of his shows a bright nucleus. His description of past irregular forces a draw lines that penetrate the dust disk is straight, down and right from the galactic center, another case with the M81's that also have features that attract attention.
Irregular dust lane that is too slow encounter between M81 and M82. The study will unsur2 Dlm star M81 (aka NGC 3031) has produced one solid distance for external galaxy that is - 11.8 million light-years. Quote: Spoiler for 10: Quote: 10: Hoag's Object

An unusual galaxy of the type known as a ring galaxy, the appearance of Hoag's Object attracted the attention of amateur and professional astronomers because of its unique structure.
Is this a single galaxy, or even two galaxy? This question appears pd in 1950 when an astronomer Art Hoag took the opportunity to observe the object extragalatic this unusual.
On the outside of his collection is dominated by bright blue stars, while the section near its center there is a ball of reddish star that seemed older.
Between the two sections there is a distance that is almost entirely dark. About the formation of these objects Hoag msh blm unknown although some objects that resemble and have now been identified in the label on the form.

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