Tuesday, June 14, 2011

(Acts of the Butler Men who were castrated) Life Imperial Eunuch in China [+ PIC]

(Acts of the Butler Men who were castrated) Life Imperial Eunuch in China [+ PIC]Quote:previous help gan ...Quote:Prev've TS check posts, not
Spoiler for evidence of no repost:Quote:= = =
quality comment from agan / cyst also plays an important role Dlm this thread, so please do not vieuw aja, tp make ngejunk who want to have to comment aja ga!In an Empire Life A Chinese Eunuch (Acts of the Butler men who castrated)
Quote:Kasim previous CHINA
Spoiler for images of classical Chinese eunuch:

This photo, taken by Shitai between 1860-1879, was a picture of a eunuch in the Peking Palace. Kasim is a man who castrated and be working as a maid in the palace or royal officials.
Quote:Chinese Imperial Eunuch

Spoiler for eunuchs china:
Quote:The story of Chinese eunuchs or castrated male who has a long history of interest. They only get rare access to the imperial family. For centuries, they held great power as a store of secrets and intrigue of the imperial family's life.before the century Maintaining the eunuchs in the imperial palace of China is an ancient tradition, and according to the notes mentioned that the tradition of maintaining the servants who had been castrated has existed far -8 BC
In addition to the imperial family, taijian is the only group of men who are allowed to enter the imperial palace of China region. They served as guardians of the residence of the emperor's concubines, companion of the king's wives and concubines, where the sanctity must be maintained.
If a queen emperor failed to produce an heir to the throne, the eldest of the king's companion will continue to the throne. Thus the presence taijian double aim: to oversee the emperor's concubines and his companion who often numbering in the hundreds and to ensure that every child born within the kingdom is the son of the emperor.
In the Chinese tradition, an emperor is a mandate from the Almighty, who gave him the right to rule the world and vice versa are also demanded to maintain the balance of harmony between Heaven and Earth. Because it is believed that the message sent by the sky can be revoked if an emperor ruled by unwise and not well behaved, then the personal life of a son, the sky is very protected from ordinary citizens so that they can not observe their emperor shortcomings.
"Only 'eunuchs who are kebanci-bancian and obedient', which is like a slave to life depending on the emperor who considered cowed enough to be a silent witness for all the flaws and personal weaknesses of the emperor.
An emperor put full trust to the eunuch (taijian) began with the traditional thinking followers of Confucius in connection with the position as a father. A neutered male can not produce offspring, and taijian believed would never actively crave political power that will be passed on to his son. For this reason also that the emperors who casual expression prohibited seen by ordinary men actually allow taijian have unlimited access to enter the palace residence.
"All the big and small countries suffer from a lack of the same, the ruler who was surrounded by personnel who do not deserve ... Who can control the ruler, first of all because he had found all the secret fears and hopes of these rulers," wrote Han Fei Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosophy during the Warring States Mutual and was a pioneer of the flow of legalism.
Indeed, the unique role of a eunuch in the imperial palace to give him great strength. An emperor did not have to worry about the kasimnya will compete and fight and concubines concubine residence that may affect the statistic of the heir to the throne the emperor-who can change the course of history for his dynasty.
As time went on, the thirst for power, wealth and influence to make a lot of eunuchs become depraved - and their motives become pure again - where this happens, especially in later periods during the reign of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Many families who give their daughters to become the concubine / mistress, forcing fathers castrate their sons as a method to send them into the palace in hopes of getting more influence over the emperor and bring honor to the family.
The castration process Kasim
Quote:Spoiler for a knife which is used to castrate eunuch:

knife which is used to castrate the eunuchs in the late imperial Chinese dynastyQuote:Spoiler for last Kasim right after castration:

china imperial palace eunuch last 'sun yaoting' as a child shortly after castration processQuote:Neuter its amputation, namely the disposal of testicles or testicles that can no longer produce sperm and testosterone (virility).

Quote:Story Last Eunuch in China Empire

Quote:Sun Yaoting Photographs"Last Eunuch in Imperial China"
Spoiler for sun yaoting:

Spoiler for sun yaoting:

Spoiler for sun yaoting:

Quote:for centuries in china, men who are not members of the imperial family could only get into a private area in the city limits if they are neutered.
Men like these are considered not have sex, known as eunuchs. They castrate their reproductive organs in the hope of getting exclusive access to the imperial family. Palace already think of them as people who have no legal status, so no one would violate the privacy of the family. So in the end, they can hold the biggest political power in case of change of dynasty.
Decision sun yaoting want castrated occurred in 1911, when he was eight years old, a lifelong regret. "Sun yaoting asked her father to castrate him when I was just eight years old. This is because he is very angry at the local landowner who destroyed his family. So he wants revenge with a political power. Because of that, he was unconscious for three days and difficult to move for two months. But when he can wake up from his bed, he found he wanted to serve the emperor had abdicated a few weeks earlier. This was the beginning of a series of cruel trick on him. "Sun finally got a chance to serve in the imperial court, as an assistant the last empress of China, Puyi, during the 1930s.When the communists to power in 1949, the sun is illiterate, gets a job as a guard of a temple. In this place he continued to live until death. He was lucky to survive because of the communist underestimate the eunuchs and think they are a strange relic of the past empire.
Time 'bao' or genitals are cut and then stored, his fate was not so lucky. The author explains jia Yinghua. "Eunuchs who have a strong belief that their genitals or who they call a 'property' should be stored properly in a jar at home or be buried with them for whole again. During the cultural revolution, his siblings were afraid of persecution so they threw the remaining piece of it. Without it, the eunuch believed would be the man in the next life. Sun broken because the decision to become a eunuch is for the sake of his family, but they ignore him and destroyed his last hope. "
From various angles, sun yaoting story is sad because it is a real picture of deterioration and loneliness of the royal family. Sun Life yaoting also not happy, but that impressive of him is his character. He really can get through the tough times and high moral standing. He's a good person. Through this story, we can really learn about Chinese history perode end  Quote:The characters are well known in the Imperial Eunuch China

shu diao - involved eunuch intrigue that is responsible for the civil war that occurred in the feudal state qi.
Zhao Gao - pet qin shihuangdi, who conspire against the li's (died 210 sm)
zhang war - the head "10 changshi" (ten servants) are known from eastern han dynasty
huang hao - Eunuch in the state shu; also appear in the story of three kingdoms
cen hun - Eunuch in the state in the three kingdoms wu
gao Lishi - a loyal and trusted friend of the emperor at the time of pliers xuanzong
Li Fuguo - of pliers eunuch who began a new era of eunuch rule
Yu Chao'en - pliers eunuch who began his "career" as a supervisor army
tong guan - A eunuch of Song Dynasty; also appears in the novel water limits
wang zhen - first eunuch of the powerful ming, see Tumu crisis
liu jin - a eunuch despot "famous" other.
Wei zhongxian - Most infamous eunuch in Chinese history because of his evil
an dehai - Corrupt eunuch of qing dynasty - Cixi's favorite queen mother
li lianying - other cruel eunuch of qing dynasty
yaoting sun (1902-1996) - the last royal eunuch in Chinese history

The most famous Chinese eunuch in Indonesia
Spoiler for Cheng Ho:

Since doing cruises around the world, Cheng Ho had three times come to Palembang. Cheng Ho was a Muslim eunuch who became the belief of the Chinese Emperor Yongle (reigned in 1403-1424), the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Its original name was Ma He, also known as Ma Sanbao (马 三 保), originating from Yunnan province. When the Sun forces conquered Yunnan, Zheng He was captured and then used as eunuchs. He was a Hui tribes, tribes that are physically similar to the ethnic Han, but the religion of Islam.
Natural spread of Islam in Indonesia, in addition to do the traders from Arabia and beyond, was the merchants of Chinese origin had a role to spread Islam in the coastal areas of Palembang. Here also the role of Admiral Cheng Ho in spreading Islam in Palembang. Cheng Ho's fleet by 62 ships and 27,800 troops he leads, amounting to four times it had docked in the old port in Palembang. In 1407 the city of Palembang who was under Srivijaya rule never to ask for help Chinese fleet in Southeast Asia to crush the Hokkien Chinese robbers who disturb the peace. Head robber Ji Chen Tsu was successfully arrested and taken to Peking. Since then, Admiral Cheng Ho's Chinese community forms of Islam in the city of Palembang who had been held there since the times of Srivijaya many Chinese orang2 inhabited.

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