Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Queen fan check list

This is a very very nice Queen fan checklist made by Queen fans from all over the world! What are your answers?

I am a Queen fan and I...

⓿Know each of the members names
⓿ Know what Roger wanted to call the band and what Brian wanted to call the band  
⓿ Listen to their songs every time
⓿Get mad when people say Queen is gay!!!!!!
⓿Don't care that Freddie Mercury was a gay/bi.. I don't really know
⓿ Get really excited when I hear Queen songs on the radio or on TV :crazy:
⓿ Know Freddie's real name
⓿Know what Brian May's guitar is called and who made it
⓿Don't spell Queen wrong (quenn, the queen, quen) and Freddie (Freddy) god they are easy words
⓿Wish that Freddie was still alive :'(
⓿ Know some of the famous concerts they held (Live at Wembley, etc...)
⓿ Want Freddie's Wembley jacket :d
⓿ Know most of there famous songs
⓿Know all there albums (every single one)
⓿ Have complete Queen accessories (band t-shirts, hats, etc)
⓿ Know who drew and designed there logo
⓿ Know that Freddie is not an ass because of not saying what Bohemian Rhapsody means 
⓿ Wish they have a time machine just to see them on tour
⓿  Hate rap music 
⓿ Appreciate the new band (Queen+Paul Rodgers) even if they don't like it
⓿ Know who wrote each of there songs
⓿  Know what the Queen crest is made of
⓿ Know Freddie's trademark
⓿ Know each of the members birthdays
⓿  Not only like Queen because of there song Bohemian Rhapsody
⓿ Not spell Bohemian Rhapsody wrong (some people spell it like Bohemian Rhapsidy)
⓿ R.I.P Freddie :'(
⓿  Like Brian May's hair (LOL)
⓿ (for the girls) Think Roger is hot hahahahaha
⓿  Love Queen with all there heart
⓿  Know who thought of the name Queen
⓿ Like Freddies mustache!

⓿ Am fan of the owner of this ass

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