Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tower of London, recounts Fortress Ceram

Quote:Tower Bridge, known as London Bridge is called the existence of an old castle. Yes this is one tourist destination when visiting London. The name of the castle or fortress rather high bermenara now known as the Tower of London.
The form is like fortresses ruler of the kings of old was very classic. There is a circular fort on the corner, reminiscent of films such as Robin Hood in which the building's circular fort. At the top there are sidelines for the guards and all around there is a window. Consider again surely many people will remember the classic films kingdom era in Europe.
Spoiler for tower:

Old buildings that may have been one of this century are still being treated and maintained, and maintained so as not to erode the current modernization. This fort is also a lot to tell visitors about spooky stories, terrifying and heartbreaking and cruel acts of the kings of England first.
In the stories narrated in this tour come into the fort where the horrors of the era of the kings were not of as depicted in fairy tales, beautiful and memorable. The story actually, today's queen, the day after tomorrow could be beheaded because it lost the competition or because the king jealous.Spoiler for scary stories:
The story most widely known in the UK is the beheading of Queen Anne Boleyn, Queen of England (1507-1536). Anne Boleyn itself is the second wife of King Henry VIII. He divorces his wife, Katherine of Aragon, broke with Rome and excommunicated for the love of Anne. But the basic king who had the power, passion and love goes out to Anne fell in love with Jane Seymour.
Spoiler for Anne:

Consequently Anne even accused of subversion, and intimate affair with a fellow kin George Boleyn, Lord Rochford. King then passed a decision to ex-wife and the Queen of England with the death penalty was beheaded May 19, 1536.

The tour guide was a lot of talk about anyone who has ever lived here. And anyone who is taken prisoner in this place and executed. In other words impressed that the Tower of London as a prison and place of execution.
This is understandable because Henry VIII (1509-1547) who made the shelter's official residence, broke with the Church of Rome so that he becomes the leader kerjaaan and religious leader who is now the Anglican Church.
That is why there are some religious leaders who were imprisoned as Bishop Fisher of Rochester, Sir Thomas More and Henry's two wives, including Anne.
If ordered anyone who is serving beheaded in this place ranging from the royal family of William Hastings, June 13, 1483, Boleyn May 19, 1536, Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury May 27, 1541, February 13, 1542 Catherine Howard, Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford 13 February 1542, Lady Jane Grey Queen of England (1537-1554) beheaded February 12, 1554, Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex February 25, 1601.
Can not be imagined within a century there was fierce competition between members of the kingdom and the ruler at that time so that decision until imprisoned and beheaded, something that is very taboo in Britain today.
Not only is beheaded, the Tower of London is famous as the prison's elite at that time. They killed not only because torture but also burned and drowned. There was also a prison near the River Thames is allegedly some prisoners dicemplungkan into the water until it dies. In addition to the name of the royal family, there are other names such as Thomas Cromwel (1540), Sir Walter Raleigh who was jailed for 13 years ago was executed in 1618 and the previous King Baliol of Scotland (1296).
Even in the Tower of London official website also mentioned that the literature about the Tower of London is filled with writings about prison and place of execution.
Even during World War I and II were used as the location of this place of execution and imprisonment. Between 1914 to 1916 some spies were arrested and later executed, including Franz Buschmann.
The last execution in the Tower of London is experienced by the German Josef Jakobs 1941, along with the detention lasted for a while against Vice Hiter, Rudolf Hess.
Spoiler for guards:

Back to the history of the Tower of London, the first foundation stone of this fort was William the Conqueror (1066-1087). But Edward the Confessor died in 1066 without a crown resulting struggle for the throne. Cousin of Edward, Harold Godwinson became king, but directly appointed William, Duke of Normandy is also claimed to have the right to the throne.
Then after it's establishment in peacetime, the Tower of London is reinforced and expanded. In 1350 the building became a strong fortress that can be seen in his footsteps until now.
Richard the Lionheart (1189-1199) who after coming to power and then immediately left the UK to launch a Crusade to Jerusalem. Tower was abandoned and deposited into the Chancellor, William Longchamp but is challenged by John. The tower is under siege until the weak from loss of ammunition and logistics so as Longchamp to surrender. But in 1194 Richard and John went back to beg for forgiveness so that later referred to as a potential replacement for Richard.
During her time as King John in the period 1199-1216 is often lived in the Tower of London and may become the first king to keep lions and other wild animals. The guide usually tells about the animals are king in this castle. Actually the history of power struggles are still ongoing so the tower is known as a venue for a prison and place of execution.
What is interesting now is the castle that tourists enjoy when looking back is very scary. Perhaps chilling shudder how to master the English queen who eventually died beheaded.
Now of course many visitors marvel at the Tower of London is from the historical as well as spices horror stories into one story material when the tour guides Tower of London. Fair can also be a half day tour in and then enjoy lunch by the River Thames while enjoying the beautiful London Bridge. It seems that visitors may want to soon forget the horror stories in the Tower of London and want to enjoy their vacation while making plans to see another side of the building and historic sites in this old city.

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