Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The discovery is important in the History of Astronomy

The discovery is important in the History of Astronomy
Of course, biology and chemistry experts out there to cure a disease or anything, but they are so saturated. Meanwhile, astronomers were busy showing us cute pictures of distant planets and play with your bangunan.Bagaimana sized telescopes can compete with that? You can not, here are ten things most important discoveries of astronomers throughout the ages:

Planets extrasolar (exoplanet)

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An extrasolar planet is one that is outside our solar system, and astronomers believe in their existence for a very long time.
it's true - really visible until adequate tools available, in 1995 when Swiss astronomers Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz discovered a planet in the constellation Pegasus they called 51 Pegasi b.

How Important it is?

Not only that major Queloz and finally prove that extrasolar planets out there, but the methods they have used repeatedly to find more planets.
Nearly 500 extrasolar planets now known to exist, and it is only the beginning (now astronomers could only see the points of). Perhaps over time as more planets are discovered, one day we will find alien planet inhabited by a generous and sexy
Background Cosmic Radiation of Short Wave

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It was the discovery of a pair of radio astronomers, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, who discovered the radiation of cosmic microwave background in 1964.
CMBR is a type of radiation that is present in very small quantities (hence the term background) throughout space, and believed to be a remnant from when the universe is in the very early stages of birth.

How This Important?

CMBR offer evidence to support the Big Bang theory.
The idea is that this radiation has been present since the Big Bang, and has spread out since the universe expands (see number four in the list).
Its discovery was Enough to turn the idea of ​​the Big Bang from a contested concept into the predominant explanation of our Origins.
Its discovery was enough to change the Big Bang idea from concept to concept undoubtedly the most plausible explanation of the origin of the universe. Penzias and Wilson won the Nobel Prize for their work;
Radio Astronomy

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Remember when radio was first graced the world of entertainment? Of course not, because you are not 80 years old. But in the world of radio astronomy is still important today, thanks to a discovery by Karl Jansky in 1931.
His experiments with radio waves to make him find the signal coming from the galactic center, and he is considered a founding father of radio astronomy world.

How important is this?

The scientists, who followed the discovery of Jansky discovered that there are all kinds of radio waves coming at us from outer space, and the source of most of them are celestial objects that can not be seen with other methods.
Radio astronomy soon turned into a large field which is responsible for the discovery of many stars and galaxies, and the name of a new class of objek2 such as quasars and pulsars. I do not really know what it is, but they sounded so scientific and so I think this should be an important discovery.
Floating Alamsemesta (Spreads)

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Edwin Hubble gives astronomers a blow to the knowledge of the world between 1924 and 1929. Not only was he who first discovered another galaxy, but by tracking their movements he learned that they were moving away from us (and a further move quickly), which is the first evidence we have to show that the universe is expanding.

How This Important?

Hubble's discovery of the first change our conception of the size of the universe. This is the first evidence we have about space really, very, very big. The discovery that both offer great support for the Big Bang theory, which is the best idea we have of how the universe was born.
Relativity Theory

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Albert Einstein, a German scientist, proposed the theory of relativity in 1915. Summed up, the theory states mass cans That warp both space and time, the which allows large Masses to bend light like stars.
Concluded, stating the theory that mass can affect space and time, which allows large masses like stars to bend light.

How This Important?

To understand the true meaning of relativity you will need to listen to someone who has more knowledge of the physics of few people who write the list to the Internet.
simple as possible, the theory of relativity replaced Newtonian mechanics, which has been the foundation of astronomy during the previous 200 years.
Einstein argued that the relative motion challenged, and that the concept of time depends on the speed. This new way of thinking is used to explain various astronomical problems that have been impossible to solve using Newton's method of ancient era, and provides astronomers with new ways of theorizing about how the universe works.
Herschel Map

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from 1780-1834, William Herschel telescope maker and his sister Caroline to systematically map the sky, thousands of stars and nebulae Grouping in the process.
He also discovered Uranus, and if astronomers have been stuck with the proposed name of Georgium Sidus (George's Star) it would be a terrible joke throughout the century.

How This Important?

Making maps hardly regarded as invention, but Herschel is very important, because when it's all over it reveals the shape and size of the Milky Way.
Not only is much, much larger than previously thought, but turned out to be disc-shaped, and our own sun is near its center. Herschel Map Aligning many misconceptions about small corners of the earth lies in the universe.
Moon in Jupiter

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Galileo, we can say as a scientist, who uses fancy telescope he discovered four moons orbiting the planet Jupiter in 1610.
They were the resource the first moons of another planet to be spotted, making Them a landmark discovery. They are the first months of the other planets to be seen, making them as discoveries.

How important is this?

Remember when we said it took a while heliocentric to be accepted?
Galileo's discovery is the most important part of the evidence presented in support of Copernicus's theories in the months to offer irrefutable evidence of other celestial bodies orbiting the Earth.
They also proved that there are other planets besides Earth that has a moon, and in this case make clear that we are not special.
Advanced exist under

Kepler's laws

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In 1609, a German astronomer named Johannes Kepler told the world that the planet moves around the sun in an elliptical route, not in a perfect circle as is popularly believed.
Yes, you know that science can be boring when an elliptical rather than circular to be one of the most important discoveries in this list.

How Pntingkah Does This?

elliptical motion means that the distance between the sun and planets changes are given from time to time, and that's an important thing to note if you want to know how far and how fast planets planets move (closer to the sun, the faster moving).
Thanks to Kepler's laws, astronomers can predict planetary movements with accuracy that is much higher than before.
Heliocentric model

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Astronomers have speculated about the heliocentric (the idea that the earth revolves around the sun, not vice versa) since ancient times, but in 1543 Copernicus was the first to really show the math behind about it, to prove that it is the right concept.

How Important it is?

It took a while to for the concept universal.dan Copernicus finally accepted that formed the basis of a scientific revolution.
This eliminated many problems caused by the old geocentric model (it is difficult to make accurate calculations if you think the Earth is not moving), so that the first major changes in the fields of astronomy since the people realize the sun is a star and not an angry God.
Also, inventions that make us feel foolish to think we are the center of the universe. Thank you very much, Copernicus.
Movement of Stars and Planets

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It's hard to wade through several thousand years of ancient Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, India, China, Mayan and Persian astronomy to choose an interesting history, so I 'will edit and summarizes all of their achievements in one entry.
Maybe if they do not die of civilization they will get a better place on this list, but because they could not sustain them with other kingdoms of the ancient world .... They are in 10th place.

How important is all this?

Many of their accomplishments form the foundation of modern astronomy, but the fact that they track the movement of the stars and planets really are like a ball that spins a full overall.
The realization that stars in the sky following the pattern of fixed, predictable patterns, along with the discovery of planets that follow their own path, are two of the most basic, fundamental concepts astronomi.Dan also astrology, 2 areas of study related issues.

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