Spoiler for life early:
Early life of Ieyasu was born in Okazaki Castle in Mikawa region on the day to 26 months to 12 and year 11 tenbun, Japanese Calendar. originally named Matsudaira Takechiyo, he was the son of Matsudaira Hirotada (松 平 広 忠), daimyo of Mikawa Matsudair clan, his mother called Odaikata (於大 の 方), the daughter of a samurai Mizuno tadamasa. two years later, Odainokata is sent back to his family and never come back again.

Spoiler for Period Matsudaira:
Matsudaira clan split in 1550, on the one side chose to follow the Clan Imagawa and on the other hand prefer the Oda Clan. As a result, Ieyasu spent early life was in danger because the impact of war-Oda Imagawa. Matsudaira clan feud arising from the killing grandfather Ieyasu, Matsudaira Kiyoyasu. different from his father, who favored the Imagawa clan.

year 1548, when Oda clan invaded Mikawa, Hirotada have recourse to Imagawa Yoshimoto, Imagawa Clan Daimyo, to expel Oda Clan of Mikawa. Yoshimoto agreed to assist with the provision Takechiyo Hirotada send his son to Sumpu as hostages, Hirotada agreed. Nobuhide Oda, Oda Klan leader, to learn about this agreement and of Rombangan Ieyasu abducted on his way to Sumpu. Ieyasu was only six years old.
Spoiler for Appearance Nobuhide ODA:

Nobuhide threatened to execute Takechiyo / Ieyasu unless his father severed all ties with the Imagawa clan. Hirotada replied mengkorbankan son would happen if a serious problem with the Imagawa clan. though rejected, Nobuhide chose not to kill Takechiyo but detained him for three years at the temple manshoji, Nagoya.

Spoiler for future Takechiyo / Tokugawa:
in the year 1549, when Takechiyo was seven years old, his father, Hirotada died. at almost the same, Oda Nobuhide died of plague. death becomes heavy blow to the Oda clan. soldiers under the command Imagawa, Sessai Taigen besieged fortress which is home of new Daimyo Oda clan, Oda Nobuhiro. with the fortress will fall, offers a siege when the Klan Sessai Oda would not give up or surrender Takechiyo taken as hostages and taken to Sumpu. Here he gets a pretty good life as a hostage and an ally Imagawa potentially in the future.
Additional After Death Takechiyo. power is replaced by Tokugawa Hidetada
Additional At the time of Mikawa Toda Yasumitsu defected from clan to clan Oda Imagawa, Matsudaira Takechiyo hostage was rescued from the enemy. Nobunaga is often spent childhood together Takechiyo Matsudaira (later known as Tokugawa Ieyasu) so that they make lasting friendships.
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