[IMPORTANT] Lost concentration, immediately drink water Gan ja little share of health is definitely important for
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You often get angry, lose concentration, or fatigue during the day? Do not look for scapegoats first. Try a short break, then drink water. Hopefully fatigue and loss of concentration can be recovered. Because, you may just be dehydrated.
During the day, adults need about 2 liters of water or 8-10 glasses. If needs are not met, you will see several symptoms, from mild to severe. If dehydration continues to be ignored, would experience fainting or even death.
"When it appears the thirst, need to get a drink. If left unchecked, does not arise thirst again that it means to be severe dehydration. The body has failed in dealing with body fluids that can cause decreased consciousness," explains Dr. Dr. Luciana Sutanto, MS, SpGK, the talk show "Beware of Dehydration Mild Especially Impact of Performance Levels, Cognitive, and Mood", organized by the Medical Association Physician Nutrition, some time ago.
Water shortage is one cause of fatigue. It takes just a reduction in dehydration or 2 percent loss of body fluids to slow memory or loses focus the mind, the difficulty of counting, reading, and sorting work. Lack of water causes the heart to beat faster, making the body becomes more tired. In fact, the body lacks water 1 percent of it has led to a mood disorder.
In general, water shortages will increase 2-3 percent body temperature, thirst, and stamina problems. If it continues to be ignored until the deficiency is up to 4 percent can decrease the physical ability as much as 25 percent. Would have fainted when the body's water content is reduced to 7 percent. A recent study conducted Lawrence Armstrong, PhD, in 2010 concluded that women are more susceptible (dehydration rate of 1.3 percent) against the negative effects of dehydration on performance, cognitive, and mood, compared with men (1.5 percent level of dehydration). From these studies, women are more prone to disruption due to dehydration than men.
According to Dr. Dr. Saptawati Bardosono, MSc, at the same occasion, a woman's body is more sensitive to dehydration than men because of different body composition. Muscle women less, but more fat. Likewise, hormonal more so the more sensitive. When the fluid to the body is reduced, will be easily influenced, so the impact was more rapid dehydration appear.
Dr. Luciana added, thirst is a sign that the body is deprived of fluids. He advised me not to always let the body constantly feel thirsty. It would be better if it has not already feel thirsty to drink, given the amount of water that must be taken is two liters. The more motion, water needs will be more.
Children need more water than adults. If averaged, the needs of children will be as many as 100 ml of fluid per body weight (BW), while adults (25-55 years) need water 35 ml / BB.
"It's important to teach children to regularly drink before feeling thirsty. Because children's bodies have not been perfect sweat to regulate body temperature, especially when they are actively playing. When they asked for a drink, meaning they are already dehydrated," said Saptawati . Some diseases can arise from lack of fluids. Particularly at risk of bladder stones and urinary tract infections, colon cancer, and urinary tract, constipation (constipation), obesity in children and adolescents, hypertension, and trombaemboli vein, coronary heart disease, and mitral valve prolapse heart disease, cerebrovascular stroke, glaucoma, impaired salivary gland function, and elderly health disorders in general.
In general, in addition to other factors, such as coronary heart disease, the lack of incoming liquid will cause the volume of blood becomes thick. Blood is thicker will cause the blood flow is not smooth so it raises deposits in blood vessel walls that can block blood flow to the heart. If it were so, you could have a heart attack. By consuming enough water, but avoid dehydration, it will also help the body stay healthy.
Quote: UPDATE! upon request invokerz agan
Drinking two liters of water every day for your health! Health problems would probably lack of drinking water has not felt today, but in the years ahead, when age was growing and the resilience of the body decreases, the disease was emerging. Better to prevent than treat, and get used to drinking water for prevention early.
Many people think all kinds of drinks can be a substitute for white water that there is no taste. But make no mistake! In fact none of whose components equal liquid water. White Water easiest accepted and absorbed by the body's cells. Other drinks usually contain sugar, even 0% sugar, there is still a bit of sugar in it. Water is also free of dyes or preservatives normally found in beverage packaging. In one day, even though Mommy was drinking fruit juice and soup in large quantities, the body still needs water.
The more dirty the environment, create healthy water supply dwindling in Indonesia. Make sure the water clean of dirt, toxic substances, and various germs. The characteristics of healthy water as follows:
White water clear and colorless or clear.
Water is odorless and does not have a taste.
Water free from all kinds of bacteria and germs, and contain chemicals balanced in it. It is necessary to know the examination of water samples to the laboratory.

You often get angry, lose concentration, or fatigue during the day? Do not look for scapegoats first. Try a short break, then drink water. Hopefully fatigue and loss of concentration can be recovered. Because, you may just be dehydrated.
During the day, adults need about 2 liters of water or 8-10 glasses. If needs are not met, you will see several symptoms, from mild to severe. If dehydration continues to be ignored, would experience fainting or even death.
"When it appears the thirst, need to get a drink. If left unchecked, does not arise thirst again that it means to be severe dehydration. The body has failed in dealing with body fluids that can cause decreased consciousness," explains Dr. Dr. Luciana Sutanto, MS, SpGK, the talk show "Beware of Dehydration Mild Especially Impact of Performance Levels, Cognitive, and Mood", organized by the Medical Association Physician Nutrition, some time ago.
Water shortage is one cause of fatigue. It takes just a reduction in dehydration or 2 percent loss of body fluids to slow memory or loses focus the mind, the difficulty of counting, reading, and sorting work. Lack of water causes the heart to beat faster, making the body becomes more tired. In fact, the body lacks water 1 percent of it has led to a mood disorder.
In general, water shortages will increase 2-3 percent body temperature, thirst, and stamina problems. If it continues to be ignored until the deficiency is up to 4 percent can decrease the physical ability as much as 25 percent. Would have fainted when the body's water content is reduced to 7 percent. A recent study conducted Lawrence Armstrong, PhD, in 2010 concluded that women are more susceptible (dehydration rate of 1.3 percent) against the negative effects of dehydration on performance, cognitive, and mood, compared with men (1.5 percent level of dehydration). From these studies, women are more prone to disruption due to dehydration than men.
According to Dr. Dr. Saptawati Bardosono, MSc, at the same occasion, a woman's body is more sensitive to dehydration than men because of different body composition. Muscle women less, but more fat. Likewise, hormonal more so the more sensitive. When the fluid to the body is reduced, will be easily influenced, so the impact was more rapid dehydration appear.
Dr. Luciana added, thirst is a sign that the body is deprived of fluids. He advised me not to always let the body constantly feel thirsty. It would be better if it has not already feel thirsty to drink, given the amount of water that must be taken is two liters. The more motion, water needs will be more.
Children need more water than adults. If averaged, the needs of children will be as many as 100 ml of fluid per body weight (BW), while adults (25-55 years) need water 35 ml / BB.
"It's important to teach children to regularly drink before feeling thirsty. Because children's bodies have not been perfect sweat to regulate body temperature, especially when they are actively playing. When they asked for a drink, meaning they are already dehydrated," said Saptawati . Some diseases can arise from lack of fluids. Particularly at risk of bladder stones and urinary tract infections, colon cancer, and urinary tract, constipation (constipation), obesity in children and adolescents, hypertension, and trombaemboli vein, coronary heart disease, and mitral valve prolapse heart disease, cerebrovascular stroke, glaucoma, impaired salivary gland function, and elderly health disorders in general.
In general, in addition to other factors, such as coronary heart disease, the lack of incoming liquid will cause the volume of blood becomes thick. Blood is thicker will cause the blood flow is not smooth so it raises deposits in blood vessel walls that can block blood flow to the heart. If it were so, you could have a heart attack. By consuming enough water, but avoid dehydration, it will also help the body stay healthy.
Quote: UPDATE! upon request invokerz agan
Drinking two liters of water every day for your health! Health problems would probably lack of drinking water has not felt today, but in the years ahead, when age was growing and the resilience of the body decreases, the disease was emerging. Better to prevent than treat, and get used to drinking water for prevention early.
Many people think all kinds of drinks can be a substitute for white water that there is no taste. But make no mistake! In fact none of whose components equal liquid water. White Water easiest accepted and absorbed by the body's cells. Other drinks usually contain sugar, even 0% sugar, there is still a bit of sugar in it. Water is also free of dyes or preservatives normally found in beverage packaging. In one day, even though Mommy was drinking fruit juice and soup in large quantities, the body still needs water.
The more dirty the environment, create healthy water supply dwindling in Indonesia. Make sure the water clean of dirt, toxic substances, and various germs. The characteristics of healthy water as follows:
White water clear and colorless or clear.
Water is odorless and does not have a taste.
Water free from all kinds of bacteria and germs, and contain chemicals balanced in it. It is necessary to know the examination of water samples to the laboratory.
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