Tuesday, April 19, 2011

20 Great Reasons To Watch VH1's "Audrina"

So hey, did you happen to catch former MTV "The Hills" star and "Dancing With The Stars" contestant Audrina Patridge's brand spanking new reality show "Audrina" on VH1 last Sunday night at 9 pm? No? Well then here's some great news for you that Audrina herself tweeted yesterday:

TWEET: "If you missed my series premiere last night, you can catch it re-airing on VH1 all week, and a new episode on Sunday night"

SEE: Audrina Patridge films her new reality show in Santa Monica

And in case you're wondering why you should watch it, well, this show is produced by mega-reality-tv-hit-maker Mark Burnett and Audrina says it is much different than her last series, largely in that this one is much more... REAL:

"I never really got a chance to voice my opinion or to show my side [on The Hills]. I never allowed MTV to film my family life or more deeply into my personal life. This show, everyone is going to see everything. My family is not doing this because we want to be famous; they're not doing it to be the next Kardashians. They're doing it strictly to be supportive."

SEE: Audrina Patridge films her new reality show in Cozumel

Audrina further said: "As The Hills was getting ready to wrap, my manager at the time kept saying we were being approached to do my own show. MTV had always wanted that for The Hills -- my personal life, my real friends, my family -- but I was always like, no! I didn't know how they would edit. Then I met with Mark Burnett. It was like day and night. He understood my worries of what I went through with The Hills and that I didn't want to go through them again -- just being portrayed as someone I wasn't or being pushed into situations that don't reflect who I really am. He agreed that if we do it, it'd be real. Raw."

But if even that isn't enough to convince you to give the show a shot, then we've got 20 great arguments for you right here - in handy picture form! Yes, there are 20 screen captures from the premiere episode featuring Audrina doing what she does best at a bunch of photo shoots - LOOK AMAZING!

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