Saturday, April 30, 2011
Peter Gabriel - I (DVD-AUDIO SACD)
Αφιέρωμα Queen - Freddie Mercury
Αύριο, ημέρα πρωτομαγιάς θα γίνει στο Diary Of Rock ένα αφιέρωμα για τους Queen και τον Freddie Mercury. Θα αναφερθούμε σε κορυφαίες στιγμές του υπερσυγκροτήματος αυτού, την βιογραφία τους, την πορεία τους ως σήμερα και την ομορφιά της μουσικής τους. Όσοι πιστοί, αναμείνατε... Είστε μόνο 1 κλικ και κάτι ώρες μακριά... Το αφιέρωμα αυτό είναι και για να θυμηθούμε πως το πρώτο tribute στον Freddie έγινε 20 Απριλίου του 1992.
Scorpions - Life's like a river
As years are passing by
Silence becomes your friend
You see the world in a different way
Don't be afraid of getting old
Life's still full of joy
And the beauty of the past is rejoicing your mind...
Silence becomes your friend
You see the world in a different way
Don't be afraid of getting old
Life's still full of joy
And the beauty of the past is rejoicing your mind...
Oι Scorpions μετά απο περίπου 40 χρόνια συνεχούς δισκογραφίας έχουν αυτό το ιδιαίτερο στυλ και τρόπο να μας αρέσουν... Εξάλλου οι μπαλάντες τους έγραψαν ιστορία. Κλασικό φαινόμενο, κάθε νέος στην ροκ θητεία ξεκινάει με scorpions... Αυτό το τραγουδι δεν είναι τόσο γνωστό όπως κάποια άλλα αλλά αξίζει την προσοχή σας.
Genesis - DTS-CD Complete
Blackmore's Night - Locked Within the Crystal Ball
Λοιπόν ας δούμε λίγο την πολύπαθη πορεία του Richie Blackmore... Ξεκινάει από τους Deep Purple, την κάνει και δημιουργεί τους Rainbow και μετά την ξανακάνει και μαζί με την γυναίκα του, την Candice Night δημιουργεί τους Blackmore's Night. Ευφυές όνομα. Ποιά όμως η διαφορά με τα άλλα 2 γκρουπάκια; Ο Blackmore το έριξε στο αγγλικό φολκλορικό τραγούδι και σχεδόν τίποτα δεν θυμίζει τα 2 προηγούμενα μεγαθήρια της Rock. Το τραγουδάκι αυτό (τραγουδάρα κατ εμέ) είναι απο το τελευταίο τους album με όνομα Secret Voyage.
Genesis - DTS Complete (DVD-AUDIO)
Friday, April 29, 2011
Genesis - Wind And Wuthering (DVD-AUDIO Firm)
Στέφανος Κορκολής & Francesca Sciavo - Σε θέλω (Ti voglio)
Πάμε στα Ελληνικά των 90s. Το τραγούδι δεν είναι ροκ για να μπει στο Diary of Rock αλλά είναι μία λαμπρή στιγμή της ελληνικής δισκογραφίας σε μία δεκαετία παρακμής... Το βάζω εδώ σαν φόρο τιμής στον Κορκολή που όταν οι άλλοι έριχναν το επίπεδο αυτός το κρατούσε ψηλά (κάποτε και όσο μπορούσε...) Για να θυμούνται οι παλιοί και να μαθαίνουν οι Βανδονέοι :P
Transformers: Dark of the Moon NEW TRAILER!
So they've just released the second trailer for "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" the third movie in the franchise that'll be hitting movie theaters July 1, 2011. This is one KILLER trailer... you know, if you like "big blowing up lots of stuff" kind of movies, which Lord knows we all really, REALLY do.
SEE: Kristen Stewart in a bikini on "Breaking Dawn" set
It looks like all the main characters are back for this go 'round with the obvious exception of former star Megan Fox. Now it's pretty hard to decipher the full truth behind the reason for her departure but it's some variation on the theme that Meg and the rest of the cast and crew didn't get along. At all.
CHECK OUT: Megan Fox behind the scenes for Armani
Anyways, so Megan's role as Shia LeBeouf's love interest has been taken over by British supermodel Rosie Huntington Whiteley who seems to have mastered the key skill of running around looking hot and scared at the same time. So here's a few screen captures of Rosie and HER LIPS!!! Her truly remarkable LIPS!!! from the trailer and then the trailer itself of course - enjoy :))
WATCH: Transformers Dark of the Moon Trailer #2
VIDEO: Transformers Dark of the Moon Trailer #2
Rosie Huntington Whiteley,
Genesis - We Can't Dance (DVD-AUDIO Firm Full)
24 Hours Of Supermodel Twitter Pictures
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Miranda Kerr BTS Photo Shoot With Baby Flynn |
Have you ever wondered what those gloriously glamorous supermodels get up to with their lives when they're not strutting down runways in fantastic fashions or doing photo shoots while wearing cool clothes? Like what is an average "day in the life" like for these gals? Is it really as totally fabulous as we imagine? (Yes it is.)
SEE: Victoria's Secret swimwear 2011 launch event
Well, thanks to the magic of Twitter and the new celebrity obsession with sharing their lives with the world - now we don't have to imagine it - we can see it unfold. Take for instance this pretty random sampling of pictures shared on Twitter by a variety of supermodels within the last 24 hours...
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A Big Batch Of Supermodels at AmFar Dinner |
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Ana Beatriz Barros Ready For AmFar Dinner |
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Alessandra Ambrosio Ready Fro AmFar Dinner |
CHECK OUT: Kate Upton is one of life's bare necessities
Alessandra Ambrosio,
Miranda Kerr,
Kim Kardashian Busts Out Of Prison!
You know how we've all been so breathlessly following the saga of sent back to prison, bailed out of prison perpetually troubled actress Lindsay Lohan?
SEE: Lindsay Lohan back in prison and Lilo is free at last!
Well, it turns out there's ANOTHER beautiful star who's gotten herself into trouble with the law! It's reality TV diva, part time entrepreneur and full time princess Kim Kardashian. Oh yeah, we're not sure exactly what she did wrong, but here she is in her prison stripes as she's apparently managed to bust out and is on the lam at LAX airport!
CHECK OUT: Kim Kardashian in a bikini for Cosmo UK
Okay, okay, NONE of that is true. It's just a few candid paparazzi snaps of the gorgeous gal looking fashionably lovely in a black and white striped dress at the airport... but it's Friday and we were feeling silly... so sue us. Okay, please DON'T sue us because we don't have any money, so we'd have to hire Larry The Lousy Lawyer, we'd lose and then we'd end up in prison... and we'd never survive in there. Not with our pretty faces. Annnnyyyyyywayyyyys, enjoy the pair of pretty pictures!
Kim Kardashian,
Lindsay Lohan,
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Hideaway
Καλημέρα με Glam Rock και ψυχεδέλεια απο Cockney Rebel και Steve Harley. Πιάνο μελωδικό, drums στο σεξυ beat και δώσε!
Casey Abrams Voted Off American Idol
There were no more saves left for Casey "Growler" Abrams this time around. Nope. This time around that strange "American Idol" bubble he seemed to be living in, you know, the same one that carried lame drunken uncle Taylor "Soul Patrol" Hicks all the way to his ridiculous win over the vastly superior Katharine McPhee, well, last night that bubble BURST. Thankfully.
SEE: Casey Abrams SAVED on American Idol
Come on, just admit it. You were tired of his growling, lumbering, lameness. You were tired of listening to the pathetic "judging" panel fawn all over him, telling him how original he is and what a true artist he is. You knew he had all the commercial appeal of a run-over squirrel. You know its true! And so, now he's gone. Never to be heard from EVER again. Okay, except for on the American Idols Live! Tour... but then nothing after that.
CHECK OUT: American Idols Live! Tour details announced
Joining Casey in the bottom three were Jacob "Saved By The Skin Of His Teeth" Lusk and Scotty "It Had To Be Somebody, Should've Been Haley" McCreery. This is clearly a message to Scotty to stop listening to any and all advice he's getting about changing it up and all other nonsense and just deliver his deep baritone country crooning the way he does best. Annnnd how about the way they worked Jimmy Iovine's critiques of the performances and predictions into the proceedings? WELL DONE producers. It seems they too have become keenly aware of the gaping hole left by Simon Cowell's departure. This current panel is USELESS at providing any real constructive criticism or useful advice or real sense of what's happening with these contestants. So they've gone to the only person on the show who's been offering any real help to fill the void. If Jimmy isn't sitting in Simon's former chair on the judging panel next season, the producers are ker-azy!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Janis Joplin - Cry Babe
Άλλη μια νύχτα έφτασε στο τέλος της. Ο Ήλιος βγαίνει σιγά σιγά.. Κάπου εδώ σας εύχομαι καληνύχτα με αυτό το υπέροχο τραγούδι. Λίγους μήνες πριν αφήσει για πάντα το στίγμα της και γίνει μύθος, η Janis Joplin διδάσκει στους σημερινούς νέους τι θα πει Blues και Rock! CRYYYYYY BABEEEEE!!!
Janis Joplin - Me and Bobby McGee
Janis Joplin... Γεννήθηκε το 1943 και πέθανε 4 Οκτωβρίου 1970... Ετών 27. Η Janis Joplin έμεινε στην ιστορία για τις ηλεκτρισμένες παραστάσεις που έδινε και για την γλυκιά χροιά της φωνής της. Είναι ένας θρύλος της Rock που ευχόμαστε να μείνει για πάντα ζωντανός! Όσο περνάει απ το χέρι μας, δεν θα εγκαταλείψουμε τον μύθο της. ΑΚΟΥΤΕ ΡΟΚΑΔΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΚΟΣΜΟΥ; ΕΝΩΘΕΙΤΕ!
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Sebastian
Ανατριχιαστική φωνή... Εκπληκτική ενορχήστρωση... Χορωδιακή ατμόσφαιρα... Αυτό το τραγούδι διαφέρει από όλα τα άλλα της εποχής του. Για αυτό το 7λεπτο, εκτοπίζεται η ψυχεδέλεια των Pink Floyd και στην κορυφή ανεβαίνει ο Sebastian. Και για όσους απορείτε ΠΟΥ το έχετε ξαναακούσει, το ακούσατε απο τον Βασίλη Παπακωνσταντίνου σε μια έκδοση αποτυχημένη κατά την γνώμη μου.
Mr Soft - Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel
Ξέρω... Όσοι το ακούσετε θα διαπιστώσατε δηλαδή πως το τραγούδι "ΚΑΙ ΤΙ ΖΗΤΑΩ" έχει ίδιο σόλο με αυτό... Αλλά δεν μας νοιάζει! Ξέρουμε πως το Mr Soft είναι παλιότερο, ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΟ και ποιοτικότερο. Να με συγχωρεί ο Λαυρέντης, γιατί τον συμπαθώ αλλά το σωστό να λέγεται. Cockney Rebel, Steve Harley λοιπόν, 2 ονόματα της αγγλικής Glam rock σκηνής. Οι ίδιοι είναι και οι performers του πασίγνωστου Sebastian που θα έρθει σε λίγο! ΚΑΛΗ ΑΚΡΟΑΣΗ ΠΑΙΔΙΑ! ΑΠΟ ΟΠΟΙΟ ΜΕΡΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΚΟΣΜΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΝ ΕΙΣΤΕ!
Freddie Mercury - In my Defence
Ο Freddie Mercury ήταν ένας... Μοναδικός. Όμοια φωνή δεν θα υπάρξει στον κόσμο. Είναι ο άνθρωπος που απογειώθηκε στην μουσική όσο κανείς άλλος αλλά ο ιός HIV (Aids) τον σκότωσε το 1991. Έζησε την ζωή του με πάθος και αυτό φαίνεται στην μουσική και σε κάθε του κίνηση στις live συναυλίες... To τραγούδι αυτό δείχνει ξεκάθαρα την ψυχολογία του ανθρώπου που ΠΕΘΑΙΝΕΙ και παρακαλάει τον Θεό να τον βοηθήσει! Το μνημείο του στο Montreaux της Αγγλίας γράφει Freddie Mercury - Lover of life, singer of songs. Σε μερικές ημέρες θα κάνω ένα αφιέρωμα στους Queen με τις καλύτερες στιγμές απο την δισκογραφία τους, τις συναυλίες τους και τις καλύτερες στιγμές τους, γενικότερα.
Rest In Peace Freddie!
Rest In Peace Freddie!
Celine Dion - I don't know
Ξεχάστε την Celine Dion του τιτανικού και του γλυκανάλατου! Η Celine έχει τεράστιο φωνητικό εύρος και το αποδεικνύει στο I don't know! Οτι λάμπει είναι χρυσός για την γυναίκα αυτή...
Katy Perry Behind The Scenes In Europe (VIDEO)
The hardest working woman in show business aka the Candy-licious Katy Perry is incredibly busy barnstorming throughout Europe these days on her totally sold out California Dreams tour - but that doesn't mean she still doesn't take time out to share herself even more with her fans! Nope. This crazy cool singer didn't knock out four #1's from her sophomore album by keeping herself hidden. And so earlier today she Twittered this Tweet:
It reads: Wanna see a NEW episode of the Candyfornia Candids?! CHECK IT OUT EXCLUSIVELY HERE: Http://!!! Life on the roaaad!
SEE: Katy Perry is #1 again!
And being the insanely HUGE Katy Perry fans that we are here, we of course immediately clicked on that link which brought us to the great behind the scenes video you can now watch right here below! Plus we put together these sweet video captures from the clip to enjoy too - so... erm... enjoy!!!
CHECK OUT: Katy Perry performs in London
WATCH: Katy Perry California Dreams Tour Europe Behind The Scenes
VIDEO: Katy Perry California Dreams Tour Europe Behind The Scenes
Led Zeppelin - Fool in the Rain
Όταν η Jazz γνώρισε την Rock, γεννήθηκε ο Jimmy Paige... Και όταν έγιναν οι Led Zeppelin δημιουργήθηκε ο θρύλος που θέλει κάθε ροκά να έχει μια σκοτεινή πλευρά μέσα του, αυτή των Zeppelin...
American Idols Live! 2011 Tour Details
So are you dying to see ruby-throated warbler Pia Toscano as she rattles the roof with her awesome soaring notes? Are you getting stoked to see the sensational James Durbin delivering his Arena Rock performances in actual arenas? Well then we've got the news you've been waiting for!
SEE: American Idol top 6 performances re-cap
Tickets for the American Idols Live! Tour go on sale on Friday, May 13, 2011 at 10 am. Oh yeah, the tour featuring the Top 11 Contestants from Season 10 will be hitting 45 markets across North America this summer. The tour kicks off in West Valley City, UT at the Maverik Center on Wednesday July 6th and wraps up Saturday September 10th in Rochester, NY at the Blue Cross Arena.
You can get your tickets via:
The American Idols Live! 2011 lineup promises to be the most memorable yet given the diverse and daring talent on the roster, and it's hitting markets all across North America with 45 dates confirmed. The top 11 comprising the tour—Casey Abrams, Haley Reinhart, Jacob Lusk, James Durbin, Lauren Alaina, Naima Adedapo, Paul McDonald, Pia Toscano, Scotty McCreery, Stefano Langone, and Thia Megia —are primed and pumped to give fans a night of unique and unforgettable performances.
CHECK OUT: X Factor judges: Simon, L.A. and Katy? Rihanna?
American Idol of course remains the #1 rated show in America, watched more than any other programming, and it's because of the amazing talent. This year, iconic judges Randy Jackson, Steven Tyler, and Jennifer Lopez went through a tight race to narrow the contestants down for America to decide who will be the next big star. Their wisdom, candor, and sense of humor continue to propel the show along at a lightning pace.
Watching American Idol at home is always enjoyable, but seeing these artists live is an experience. Past tours have featured current pop luminaries such as Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, David Cook, Adam Lambert, Lee DeWyze and so many more. Every summer, the tour keeps IDOL alive in arenas everywhere allowing the audiences the chance to get up close and personal with their favorite contestants. This top eleven will have crowds on their feet singing along to every word. Get ready…
The American Idol season finale will air on FOX May 26th, but the action will continue live on stage all summer with American Idols Live! Don't miss it when it hits a town near you.
All confirmed tour dates:
7/6 West Valley City, UT Maverik Center
7/8 Everett, WA Comcast Arena at Everett Events Center
7/9 Portland, OR Rose Garden
7/11 Sacramento, CA Power Balance Pavilion
7/12 Oakland, CA The Oracle Arena
7/13 San Jose, CA HP Pavilion at San Jose
7/15 Los Angeles, CA Nokia Theatre LA Live
7/16 Ontario, CA Citizens Business Bank Arena
7/17 Phoenix, AZ US Airways Arena
7/19 Oklahoma, OK Cox Convention Center
7/20 Grand Prairie, TX Verizon Theater at Grand Prairie
7/21 Houston, TX Reliant Arena
7/22 New Orleans, LA Lakefront Arena
7/24 Orlando, FL Amway Center
7/26 Duluth, GA Arena at Gwinnett Center
7/27 Raleigh, NC RBC Center
7/28 Charlotte, NC Time Warner Cable Arena
7/30 Nashville, TN Bridgestone Arena
7/31 St. Louis, MO Scottrade Center
8/2 Kansas City, MO Sprint Center
8/3 Minneapolis, MN Target Center
8/4 Milwaukee, WI Bradley Center
8/6 Rosemont, IL Allstate Arena
8/7 Detroit, MI Joe Louis Arena
8/9 Columbus, OH Schottenstein Center
8/10 Pittsburgh, PA Consol Energy Center
8/11 Baltimore, MD 1st Mariner Arena
8/13 Atlantic City, NJ Boardwalk Hall
8/14 Newark, NJ Prudential Center
8/17 Philadelphia, PA Wells Fargo Center
8/19 Washington, DC Verizon Center
8/20 Richmond, VA Richmond Coliseum
8/21 Wilkes-Barre, PA Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza
8/23 Long Island, NY Nassau Coliseum
8/25 Bridgeport, CT Webster Bank Arena at Harbor Yard
8/27 Providence, RI Dunkin' Donuts Center
8/28 Albany, NY Times Union Center
8/30 Portland, ME Cumberland County Civic Center
8/31 Manchester, NH Verizon Wireless Arena
9/1 Worcester, MA DCU Center
9/3 Uncasville, CT Mohegan Sun Arena
9/6 Syracuse, NY War Memorial Arena at The Oncenter
9/7 Reading, PA Sovereign Center
*9/9 Toronto, ON Air Canada Centre* Tickets for Toronto, ON will go on sale May 13th at 12pm ET
9/10 Rochester, NY Blue Cross Arena
Denise Richards Is A Bikini STUNNER!
And now, ladeez and gentlemen! For our next act we have... 40 year old mother of two, former Charlie Sheen canoodler, Wild Thing and reality TV diva, Denise Richards as she emerges from a Beverly Hills swimming pool in a teeny weeny red bikini for a photo shoot.
SEE: Arianny Celeste shows off her bikini collection
OMG!!! How amazing does Denise look in these snaps!?! Pretty darn amazing if you ask us. Talk about your goddesses. Crazy Charlie can keep all his low class, low grade, cheap and tawdry tarts... we'll enjoy more of Denise anytime!!! And just what was mom-tastic Denise up to this morning:
Ahhhh... is there anything more attractive than a REAL woman taking care of her family and herself and living a REAL life? Nah. Love it. Love her. Enjoy the pictures :D
CHECK OUT: Rachel Bilson in a bikini in Barbados
Charlie Sheen,
Denise Richards,
American Idol Top 6... *YAWN*
So the American Idol Season 10 Top 6 took to the stage last night to perform the songs of Carole King and... sorry... we're already bored. But Carole King is a 4-time Grammy Winner who has written some of the greatest songs in history and blah-blah-de-blah! Whatever!! This is easily the most random of "theme nights" so far this season. There is simply no way to make Ms. King sound as exciting as "Elton John Night!" or "Beatles Night!" -- no, this was sliding right back into the BIG MISTAKE of Idol's ill-starred Kara DioGuardi era: SINGER/SONGWRITER. The concept of singer/songwriter may be great for making records but SUCKS for making interesting, entertaining television. In a singing competition.
SEE: Tweeny boppers pick Lauren Alaina to win Idol season 10
So yeah, the increasingly weak field of competitors, as the hyper-texting teeny and tweeny boppers who control the show continue to vote off the best ones, dragged themselves up there and bleated out some songs, sort of. FYI - we're not even going to discuss the dreadful duets they made these poor kids deliver (James and Jacob? Ouch).
Jacob "I'm Sooooo Going Home Tonight" Lusk was dressed like a clown as he tried to "shake his tail feathers" to "Oh No Not My Baby" - he was actually pretty good for once. He didn't cry at the end - so that was an improvement.
Lauren "Lost Little Lamb" Alaina delivered the most boring, hokey performance to be seen on the Idol stage in years with her version of "Where You Lead". And this after yet another package solely focussed on trying to build up her confidence. We are TOTALLY sick of her nonsense. Time to step up or step out.
CHECK OUT: American Idol voting tweaks are coming
Scotty "Deep Throat" McCreery was pushed by Jimmy Iovine to try singing part of his song, "You've Got A Friend", a little higher - and it really worked for him. Not a memorable performance really, but the kid looks like a total pro out there.
James "Gonna Be A Huge Star" Durbin scaled himself back about 10 notches delivering a stand alone on stage without any flash or trash rendition of "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow". NOT the greatest of James' performances but once again very solid and showing his range of abilities to good effect.
LOOK: Idol winner to be managed by Simon Fuller
Casey "Weird Beard" Abrams again growled out some stupid song no one knows or wants to know "Hi-De-Ho" while lurching around the stage awkwardly. The judges, of course, LOVED IT!!!
Haley "Sweet Growl" Reinhart totally nailed "Beautiful" with a little help on "getting" it from Jimmy and guest mentor Babyface. If only Haley had stronger stage presence and that ever elusive "star-quality" - she could be great. What a voice!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
SNL's Jason Sudeikis Host Of The 2011 MTV Movie Awards
The trademark comedic shenanigans of Saturday night are moving to Sunday, June 5! MTV today announced that Jason Sudeikis – leading comedic actor and "Saturday Night Live" regular – will host the "2011 MTV Movie Awards" LIVE on Sunday, June 5, from the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City, California. This year's 20th annual ceremony will mark Sudeikis' first time hosting the awards show as he infuses this year's telecast with his quick comedic wit and improvisational skills.
SEE: Kristen Stewart in a bikini on set of "Breaking Dawn"
As previously announced, Emmy Award winning producer Mark Burnett ("Survivor," "The Apprentice") returns to executive produce this year's awards that will give out the legendary golden popcorn statue in outlandish categories such as "Best Scared As-Sh**t Performance," "Best Jaw-Dropping Moment" and "Best Line From a Movie." The show will air LIVE on Sunday, June 5 at 9pm ET/PT from the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City, California.
"Smart and funny is the new rock and roll for our audience – and that combo pretty much sums up Jason. He is a smartass and a gentleman who never goes for the easy or obvious joke," said Stephen Friedman, President of MTV. "Because of that, he is the ideal Movie Awards host and we are confident with him anchoring the show our audience is in store for unexpected and crazy moments with Hollywood's biggest stars and musicians."
"I'm sincerely flattered that the folks from the Mostly Teenage Viewers network have invited me to host this year and I look forward to keeping the streak of flawless and critically-lauded movie award show hosting in 2011 alive," said Jason Sudeikis.
CHECK OUT: Thor drives an Acura
Sudeikis joins the ranks of past hosts such as Aziz Ansari, Andy Samberg, Ben Stiller, Jimmy Fallon, Mike Myers, Sarah Silverman and Justin Timberlake. The celeb-filled event is MTV's bold nod to the typical awards shows celebrating the year's best in movies. Hailed for one-of-a-kind moments, film parodies, and outrageous acceptance speeches, the "MTV Movie Awards" has produced some of the most unforgettable moments in award show history.
Jason Sudeikis is currently in his sixth season as a cast member on NBC's venerable show "Saturday Night Live." Sudeikis worked for two years as a writer on the show before becoming a series regular in 2005. He has won over audiences with his impersonations of Vice President Joe Biden, "American Idol" winner Taylor Hicks, and the hip-hop dancer recurring character in the "What Up With That" sketch. Jason was recently seen starring opposite Owen Wilson in the Farrelly Brothers film "Hall Pass," which was released by New Line on February 25, 2011. Jason will next be seen starring opposite Jason Bateman and Charlie Day in the New Line film, "Horrible Bosses," which will be released on Friday, July 8, 2011.
LOOK: Jennifer Aniston is a horrible boss... supposedly
Jason's additional film credits include "The Bounty Hunter," in which he starred alongside Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler; New Line's, "Going The Distance," in which he starred opposite Drew Barrymore and Justin Long; and "What Happens In Vegas" with Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher.
Additional film credits include; "The Ten," "Watching The Detectives," "Bill," "Semi-Pro," "The Rocker" and "A Good Old Fashioned Orgy." Jason has received rave reviews for his arc on NBC's Emmy Award-winning show "30 Rock." Jason has appeared in 12 episodes (to date) as Tina Fey's charmingly funny love interest, "Floyd." Jason can also be heard portraying the voice of two principle characters on Fox's hit animated comedy series "The Cleveland Show" by creator Seth MacFarlane. Sudeikis also guest-starred on, "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" as the long-forgotten fourth member of the Paddy's gang, Schmitty, who the gang tries to bring back in.
Winner voting for the "2011 MTV Movie Awards" will be open May 3rd – June 4th. Viewers can visit to vote for their favorite films, movie moments and actors in 12 returning and all-new categories. The category of "Best Movie" will remain an ongoing battle as voting for favorite film of the year will remain open throughout the LIVE show. The "2011 MTV Movie Awards" will turn fantasy into reality as the improbable materializes live before viewers' eyes. The magic and wonder of movies will go from the big screen to the "Movie Awards" stage as the fantastical world of whimsical landscapes and larger-than-life, reality-defying moments that audiences love are celebrated.
The 2011 "MTV Movie Awards" will be available to a potential viewing audience of more than 1.2 billion people via MTV's global network of more than 60 channels reaching nearly 600 million households around the world as well as through syndication. In addition, its convergent programming & content will reach the entire interactive community, via MTV's more than 200 digital media properties around the world.
Greenday - Working Class Hero
Ξεχάστε ότι είπα πριν... Είχα ξεχάσει οτι υπάρχουν και οι Greenday που διασκευάζουν τον Lennon με την ευλάβεια που του πρέπει! Καλή ακρόαση.
Roxette - Spending My Time
Οι Roxette ξεχωρίζουν για την μελωδία και τον Pop - Rock συνδιασμό τους. Το δοκίμασαν στα τέλη του 80's και πέτυχαν ανοίγοντας τον δρόμο στους μετέπειτα υποστηρικτές της Pop να αφομοιωθούν με την ασθενή πλέον rock στα 90's. Καλό παράδειγμα για την Ελλάδα, η ύπαρξη του "έγκυρου" περιοδικού Pop&Rock που μετά έγινε Pop Corn προμοτάροντας την καινούρια τότε Δέσποινα Βανδή και ένα σωρό άλλους που ήρθαν και ξεχάστηκαν. Τους Roxette τους αγαπάμε για την μουσική τους αλλά η πόρτα που άνοιξαν αυτοί και κάποιοι ακόμη δυστυχώς οδήγησε στην χαριστική βολή στην Ροκ όπως την γνωρίζαμε μέχρι τότε... (και είμαι μόνο 27, φαντάσου να ήμουν 50 τι θα έγραφα...)
Rolling Stones - Don't Stop
Τους γουστάρω... Μου αρέσουν! Οι γερόλυκοι της ροκ αποδεικνύουν πως δεν θα πεθάνουν ποτέ...
The Snooki Diet Plan: Drink Clear Liquors
A leaner and meaner, trimmer and slimmer Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi of MTV's "Jersey Shore" shared these pictures of her reduced size on Facebook recently. No, not her height, because goodness knows at only 4' 9" she has little to spare there, it's her weight. But maybe you're asking yourself how did she do it? Oh come on now, admit it - you love her and you want to know! Okay, well at least some of you do because the girl is pulling in 8,200 new Twitter followers a day and will very soon pass the 2 million mark. Seriously.
SEE: Jersey Shore announces two new spin-offs
Well, she says she's doing it the old fashioned way - working out and eating less. Crazy huh? Quoth Snooki:
"As everyone's planning their night at the club I'm wondering when Gold's [Gym] closes. Two months before season 1 started, I was 100 lbs. and really happy with myself, then I went on the show and it was like, 'Oh man. We're partying all the time, and who wants to go to the gym when you're on vacation?' I definitely want to get in shape and be healthy again but it's really hard to eat good when you're traveling because you see fast food – and you want to go to this restaurant and that restaurant. [So I have] egg whites in the morning and chicken and salads and if you do drink, it's gotta be clear liquors."
Yup, it's those clear liquors indeed that seem to be the key. Now instead of guzzling those "like a million calorie" Long Island Iced Teas or margaritas, Snooki's new drink of choice is vodka with seltzer water. Hmmm. Well, whatever the case, it seems to be working for her.
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